Speed Boats Examiners Specifications 1970's
SEAT BELT | 3 buckle type (as 1/1/76) |
NAUTI-HAUL SWITCH | Engine must be started so that switch can be tested. |
CRASH HELMETS | To standard approved by A.P.B.A. Colour must be Blaze Orange GLO Type, no more than 20% of the helmet area can be covered by advertising or captions. Must be in good condition. |
LIFE JACKETS | Must have Standards Association of Australia mark of approval, as a life jacket, must be in good condition, at least two Nylon or Teryelene woven webbing straps at least 1” wide encircling jacket and fitted with D-type buckles. |
HULL | Must be in a sea-worthy condition eg. no excessive leakage, no splits or fractures or vertical cracks in planks or side of hull. |
NOSE ROPE | Must be fitted of sufficient strength to support the weight of the boat when submerged, and not long enough to foul the propeller, One end must be and remain free, Outboard hydro classes are exempt, but in lieu of nose rope, a bow handle must be fitted. |
BUOYANCY | Hull must have built in buoyancy or have bow filled with rigid foam or two of the biggest tyre tubes that can be fitted into the bow. |
ACCELERATOR | Each carburetor and/or throttle must be individually spring loaded to close at the engine. The springs must be securely fixed. With fuel injection, a spring to close each bank and one on pedal must be fitted. |
FUEL LINES | UN-reinforced plastic not allowed. Reinforced plastic allowed to 31/12/75 Reinforced Neoprene only must be used after 1/1/76. All lines must be securely clamped…wire is not allowed. |
HATCH COVER BATTERY | All component parts of the boat, such as battery, fuel tanks, hatches etc, are to be securely fastened to prevent movement. |
*RUDDER *(Repairs to cast rudders not allowed) | Must have one or two locking collars fitted to prevent more than l/8” movement up or down. Rudder shaft shall have two locking devices fitted to prevent quadrant from coming off shaft. |
STEERING | Steering gear shall be fitted with stops to prevent over-control. For rod steering, the rods are to be sufficiently rigid to prevent undue flexing. All nuts and bolts in steering linkage shall be locked and/or pinned. The cable must be appropriately locked, and bends are to be free and of sufficient diameter to prevent straining of bends and cable, The cable must be only joined at turnbuckle on one or both sides of the boat. Cable must not be joined where it goes through quadrant or on or through steering worm, Plastic covered cable is not allowed. |
PROP-NUT | The propeller locking device shall be double nutted or splitpinned. |
CAVITATION PLATE | Must be securely bolted to hull and any sheathing must be bolted through hull at leading edge. Adjusters must be securely lock-nutted or pinned as to prevent them working loose. |
*SKEG | Skeg-bolts must not be brass….Monel preferred. Repairs to cast skegs are not allowed. Where nothing else is provided, a base plate shall be placed inboard of the boat, of at least the area of the skeg base, and all skeg bolts shall pass through this base plate, and to be double nutted. |
GUARDS | Any part of propeller shaft or any other moving part of the mechanism within the vicinity of the driver or jockey shall be fitted with an effective fixed guard of sufficient strength so as to prevent injury should any moving part such as Jack-shaft, flexible coupling etc, disintegrate. |
SHAFT COLLAR | Must be fitted so as to prevent propeller shaft moving to rear. |